Guo Yi secretly whispered to Mr. Chiba next to him, "Who is the Bone Saint?"

Guo Yiyin was very low and unobservable, but as soon as he asked for it, he greeted everyone’s eyes again. Suddenly, he looked embarrassed, as if he had been stabbed by dozens of knives and faces, which generally hurt and itched. "Mom, these old guys have great ears!" Guo Yi heart straight whisper. Mr. Chiba …

It is special to say that it is built in a forest, which is neither a wooden house nor a stone house. It seems a bit odd. In front of the house, a strange flower and grass are dotted with trees, shadows and strange rocks, which perfectly blends this small house into the lake and water.

The sunshine is charming. It’s the early spring when a young girl suddenly walks out of the hut. This girl looks like she is fourteen or fifteen years old, wearing a pink dress, and her appearance is beautiful. There is a pure beauty in her innocent breath. Her eyes are clear as if she will …

Lin Ying followed the woman to the supporting facilities next to the South Hot Spring Hotel.

This is a massage and leisure shop. There are two guards standing in front of the shop. The two guards were dressed in black and looked like animals, but Lin Ying felt a violent atmosphere from them. These two men are masters. When they saw the woman, they all bent down slightly and nodded to …

Lin Ying jumped up with a machete in her hand and stepped heavily on the back of the knife.

Cut! A crunchy sound The white man’s head and neck are separated The white man’s head rolled out, and his frozen face was full of disbelief. A lot of blood gushed out from the white man’s neck and dyed the whole ground red. Lin Ying hurriedly jumped by the other side’s blood spraying everywhere. The …


"What did Kodo answer me? What? " In the huge ice cube, Bennett roared with excitement and anger. He couldn’t understand why his closest and most trusted comrades wanted to betray them here! What’s going to attack them! At this moment, Bennett has plotted in vain! I’m afraid this storm snow force field is a …

So it wants to transform itself by plundering other worlds.

Transform oneself. The bubble world can’t bear the power of robbing the fairy three times. But the crystal wall world is different. It has a real foundation. In the same wild world, Yuanling in the general world has great potential. It is the failure of the world that makes it rich and rich. But also …

Hey? What position?

Ai Xinluo Yonghao’s voice just fell when a murderous woman flew over and fell on the back road of Yan Hong Hongji. A prune pointed to the gate "Go in" Yan Hong Hongji swallowed saliva, which was strong and similar. Is it also a fix true person? At this time, Yan Hong Hongji completely gave …

The American engineer nodded his head, and his pilgrimage face seemed to be amazed at the advanced technology of Germany. He looked at the mouth of the British personnel and replied, "If their submarine pools are made according to this pool standard."

"Can we …" The British spy obviously moved his mind and asked. "But our submarine technology just needs a certain time to digest this technology," the American engineer nodded and said, "but I am more optimistic about their achievements in fine processing. Are these small pieces too standard to be processed by ordinary workers …" …

"I’ll tell you if you help me solve the poison. I’ve got what Tu Sui wants. It’s feces. This is no ordinary feces. Tu Sui is a beast of heaven and earth. It’s food from heaven and earth to supplement body strength."

"Heaven and earth food? How to eat? Does it eat the earth? " "I don’t know how to explain it. When I say heaven and earth, I don’t mean that I can see heaven and earth, but that I can’t see the power of heaven and earth, just like qi." Sammul He suddenly said, "You …