The phrase’ lost azimuth’ made Lei Ming suddenly open his eyes when he closed his eyes. "Are all the communication channels lost?"

Didn’t we make an emergency preset? How many resource bases have made emergency connection channels? " "Adult, we are in the extreme wind 7, and the emergency communication channel is expected to be placed in the No.14 resource base, No.5 resource base and No.14 resource base has been destroyed by the blue star Terran. No.5 …

On that day, hammer seemed to have lost his soul. He worked and ate mechanically. His eyes never lit up again. The smiling face of his right fist was completely worn out.

At this time, the shade is dark and depressing to make people breathless. There are less and less drudgery around him, and he throws the bodies of his companions-or his companions who continue to work-into the melting pot. Until one day, he was still being held on the deck when he heard a loud noise …

Like Ji Xinghe

Chapter 376 This child is like me You fight like Ji Xinghe. This sentence was the biggest compliment of the federal mecha for a long time because of the sudden outbreak of Li Han and Jackson, who suddenly changed their fighting methods. Ji Xinghe people are also very pleased with this. Driving the champion Hou …

Gu Qing nodded. "So you seal the island!"

"Island! ?” The two masters of Dan Dao’s nine peaks slightly Zheng, some didn’t understand the meaning of his sentence. GuQing chuckle in a tone of the wind light cloud light way "if you really don’t want to accept this punishment forced me to leave! Is after I leave, I can’t figure out what else …

As early as the Xinghe Commercial Association, Gu Qing has already seen some technical luck, and this Congyun restaurant, which can send seven masters of Dan Dao as hostesses, has pushed the technology to the limit. The whole restaurant is a unique place, and all kinds of technologies are cut and superimposed, which makes the whole restaurant department extremely broad. Even if Gu Qing is rebuilt and forced to break into it, it may fall into the trap!

After taking Gu Qing into Ya Hou, the girl bowed slightly. "What else do adults need? If adults don’t know anything about us, they can help introduce us to them!" "Tell me about Yunxiao Jiu Feng!" "Yunxiao Jiu Feng?" As soon as the girl wind chimes heard it, she seemed to guess something. "Do adults …

With a wave of his hand, Lin Ying flew out of Mao Xiong’s body and fell into his hand.

It was only when everyone saw that it was a black beetle. This is a corpse worm. It killed the bear. It entered the body of the bear through the wound, and then all the way into his brain and swallowed his virus. The bear was killed by it. Wanda captain and others saw the …

"Action!" The waves calmly waved and ran to the hill at present.

The hill is not less than 500 meters high, but it is steep. The hillside is not only overgrown with weeds, but also taller than people. Because they can’t make the hand barrel grope in the dark, it is difficult and slow to move forward. The waves lead the way to the commanding heights of …